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What Are The Best Treats To Train Your Dog With?

Reward based training is the process of giving your dog something they like (food, toys or attention) either when you want to train them or when you want to reinforce a positive action. There are hundreds of products on the market, but not all of them are good for the health and wellbeing of your puppy. In this article we will discover what are the best treats to train your dog with.

When applying positive rewards training, you are basically showing your dog that good things happen when they make good choices. Dog training is also possible without giving treats, but it’s so much easier and more fun when giving them. This creates a stronger bond between the puppy and the owner / trainer, and makes everyone happy.

What Makes a Treat Good for Dog Training?

Well first of all it needs to be something that your dog likes and craves. It needs to give enough motivation to the puppy to perform what it is asked. If the treat is not tasty enough, the dog will not have any desire to do what you ask him to do.

The idea behind training a dog with treats is to give it very small bits whenever he performs that desired action. Calories can add up quickly and the treats can end up very fast, and that’s why a good dog treat should be easy to break into tiny bits.

What Are The Best Treats To Train Your Dog With?

But it should also be easy to carry around when you are going for a walk or playing in the dog park. Carrying some greasy cabana or cheese in the park on a hot summer day is definitely not an option.

And last but not least, the treat needs to offer protein and nutrients and should definitely NOT contain any additives, colourings or preservatives. It’s best to look for one-ingredient treats.

What Are The Best Treats To Train Your Dog With?

There are hundreds of products on the market, but only a few of them fulfil all of the above mentioned conditions. The products offered by Loyalty Pet Treats do fit in that criteria, and they make some great treats to train your dog with.

And now, let’s have a look at our most popular treats for dog training, appreciated by clients, dog trainers and their beloved puppies:

Tasty Trainers Fliver

If you are wondering what “fliver” means, it’s the combination of fish and liver. And that is everything that this product contains. You won’t find any binding agents, additives or preservatives.

They can easily be broken into small bits and offered as treats for dog training, but they can also be used as larger chunks, becoming a crunchy chewy treat. They taste great and your puppy will become addicted. So get your Tasty Trainers Fliver now!

Tasty Trainers Pure Lamb

As you already got the idea by now, this product has just one ingredient: Australian premium lamb. That’s it! They are easy to break and carry around, they smell and taste great and your dog will love them.

Not only this, but it will motivate the puppy to perform the required tasks in order to get more. They are easy to carry around, and will not leave everything covered in grease. Get the Pure Lamb Tasty Trainers now!

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