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Best treats for pets with anxiety

Best treats for pets with anxiety

World Anxiety Month -Time to focus on our mental wellbeing, adopt positive actions and load our diets with stress busting goodness. What are the Best treats for pets with anxiety?

We know our pet companions are great for our wellbeing, but are we doing the best for theirs?
How do we make sure that our best friends aren’t suffering from stress themselves?
Obvious negative behaviours such as fearfulness, aggression, barking, destructive chewing, digging, lack of energy or depressed appetite can be symptoms. Small changes too, such as yawning when not tired, licking of lips and over grooming can indicate all is not well. So, watch for any changes, find the cause and act.

Find the cause of anxiety in your pet

See your vet. It may be a simple thing, an early diagnosis of a more complex ailment or hopefully an all-clear. It is worth noting here that the absence of illness does not necessarily equal wellness. There is much more you can do to alleviate anxiety. Diet, home environment, learned negative responses or poor socialisation can all contribute.

How to fix my pet’s anxiety? 

The great news is you can change this. Techniques such as desensitisation, counter conditioning and positive training can greatly improve things. There are experts out there ready to help if needed and there will invariably be a discussion around diet and treats.

Can my pet’s diet affect Anxiety? 

For anxiety, Include foods rich in naturally occurring Omega 3’s, magnesium and the B Vitamins can bring excellent results. You can back this up by choosing treats and rewards rich in these elements.


Magnesium is essential deep down at the cellular level. It helps regulate the systems that maintain mood balance in your dog. While magnesium’s external calming affects are obvious, the mineral can help relax the body internally as well, helping digestion and urinary processes move along.

Cats with magnesium deficiency are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections, so check Puss’s intake too.

B5 (Pantothenic acid)

B5 (Pantothenic acid) particularly is essential to produce neurotransmitters (including serotonin) and for the normal functions of the intestinal tract and related organs. Deficiencies in puppies can have severe consequences. Older dogs will show slower deterioration.

Omega 3’s

or many years, omega-3 fatty acids have been recommended to help senior dogs with physical and mental deterioration, as well as dogs that have experienced long-term stress. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties that omega-3s provide have been shown to benefit dogs with anxiety disorders, too.

Be wary of over-the-counter preparations. They are one of the first things that pop up when researching anxiety in pets. Make sure you read and understand the nutritional information just as you would do for yourself. A close look can be very surprising and often not in the best way.

Treats and rewards

Dogs have an incredible 125 million + scent receptors. A whiff of a favourite treat and you will have their full attention.

Choosing quality treats with an alluring aroma that are high in desired nutrients is easy at Loyalty Pet Treats. Include chewy products too as chewing can bring comfort to an anxious pet.

Best treats for pets with anxiety

Beef liver, duck liver (great for cats) Chewy roo, Tuna Meal topper, Venison (also great for allergy sufferers).

Beef Liver

Australian Duck Liver

Chewy Roo

Tuna Meal Topper

Venison Jerky

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