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Buy the Best Dog Treats Online for Your Pet

best dog treats online

If you have dogs, then you know how much these animals can become part of the family. Our dogs sleep with us, sit next to them on the furniture, and provide us with companionship, loyalty, and love. They see us off in the morning, wag their tails vigorously as we come home in the evening, and stand guard over us at night. That kind of friendship and loyalty should be richly rewarded with the best dog treats you can find online.

At Loyalty Pet Treats we provide the ultimate healthy reward for your pet. We are committed to using locally sourced ingredients with no fillers, additives, or preservatives. If you buy dog treats from us, you can rest assured that they are made right here in Australia using the unique Nutrieseal™ process that dehydrates pure lean meat at low temperatures and humidity, creating a treat that is both tasty and smells fantastic. Also, we guarantee our products are 100% pure, delicious, and nutritious.

We Have the Best Dog Treats Online that Ease Chewing Tendencies

Do you have a dog that chews on your favourite shoes? Maybe you have a puppy that gnaws on the legs of your furniture or anything else he can get his teeth around. Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs and is a hard habit to break. They chew out of curiosity, stress, boredom, or teething. One of the best dog treats online we have for problem chewers is our Chewy Roos.

Chewy Roos are made of 100% pure kangaroo meat and are perfect for puppies and dogs of all ages. They are ideal for your furry friend’s teeth as they help remove plaque build-up and prevent tartar from building up. The also help relieve the pain of teething and stimulate the growth of emerging teeth. The nice thing when you buy these dog treats is that they’re longer lasting than a soft treat. They typically last five or ten minutes but are completely digestible and are safe to leave with your pet. By contrast, harder treats such as deer antlers and goat horns may be too tough and can cause damage to teeth. Pieces of these harder treats can also break off causing a choking hazard.

Purchase from a Reputable Company

Our family-owned company was started in 2007 with the goal of making high quality, nutritious treats for pets that owners will feel comfortable feeding to their four-legged children. Our products are real meat or offal and are never mixed with any other substance or material. They are the only Nutrieseal™ processed dog treats you can buy in the world and are premium high-value treats. They are low fat, high in nutrition, high in protein, and free of impurities.

There are so many pet treats on the market that it can be overwhelming. If you can’t read the ingredients, it shouldn’t go into your pet’s mouth. Loyalty Pet Treats have no additives, preservatives, sugar, salt, colouring, MSG or binding agents. Our team is committed to the health and safety of your pet by offering the best dog treats online that even a human can eat. Try them out on your pet today.

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